Friday, April 30, 2010

Guruji's answers for you

Where was God on September 11?

Sri Sri:
Where was God when the Columbine killings occured? Where was God when the Mississip River flooded? Where was God when there was tornado in Florida or the earthquake in Gujarat? Why are you asking only about September 11? Three hundred and sixty-five days a year calamitous events happen in the world. Whether man-made or natural, calamity is part of life on this planet. We cannot question the existence of divinity over an event, pleasant or unpleasant. Faith based on God preventing calamities will be weak. Faith is that which stands the test of events. Many of the Christian saints and apostles were persecuted or executed. If they had questioned. 'Where is God? Where is God?' faith would have had no place in their lives. Faith is something much bigger, much more fundamental to life than the events that happen throughout life. God is not a toy for your security or a concept for your convenience. God is love. God is the substratum of this universe, the basis of this existence. God is the space in which all things happen.

Sources: The Guru of Joy

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